how to be a good writter

having good quality content on a blog or site can improve your search volume.

so today I'm going to show you the steps of creating high quality
written content.

I'm focusing on written content, because many bloggers out there are finding it so difficult to do so..

Unfortunately, many brands try to start writing web content before they identify why they’re writing it, and what purpose it will serve their readers,


✘1. understand what you want to write on:

Your content strategy shouldnt be “build it and they will come” ( more here on how to create a content strategy ). If your goal is to create content that people will read and share, then you have to figure out who your audience is and what types of content they already read and share.

 Here are a few ways you can identify your audience:

▶Ask for reader feedback in blog comments and through your social media platforms,

Send out surveys (old school but still effective)

Hang out with your target audience by going to networking events or conferences they are likely to attend.

If you already know who your audience is, identify them in the following ways:

▶What are the general demographics?

What/who influences them?

What questions are your readers asking and what topics would they like to see covered?

✘2. Do Your Research

You can’t really create high quality content unless your content is well researched,optimized and well supported.

 Start your research by running through some basic steps which include:

Identify and develop your topic: Once you evaluate what your readers want and need, narrow down the
specific topic you wish to cover and flesh out the finer points.

▶Identify gaps: Once you figure out what’s already been said on the topic, then  identify what hasn’t been said. Great content is very very useful

▶be unique:.     If you want to contribute something unique, then you need to make sure what you’re writing hasn’t already been said else where or somewhere

✘3 The Writing Process

some bloggers and web writers make the mistake of writing for the web like they’re writing an essay, but web writing is not like academic writing. There are a whole set of best practices that apply to web writing.

✘4 Create Credibility

As we all know, anyone can write anything they want on the internet/web, which is why 85% of web readers find web content “hit or miss” or “unreliable,”
according to a study conducted by content strategy company or producer,

✘5 Content Science. If you’re going to post content online with the hope of people taking you seriously, then you need to qualify yourself normally and create credibility.

If you want to build credibility, you need to write unbiased and non promotional content (if people wanted to hear more about your products, they would would refer to your ads).most Web readers are hypersensitive to brands trying to sell them something or endorse a particular product.

In addition to creating non promotional content, here are a few ways to boost your credibility:

Use attribution phrases whenever possible
Tips: make sure the attribution goes after the fact and that the attribution phrase is linked to the original source. (For example: Nicotine can impair a restful night of sleep)

▶Make Your Writing Actionable and reliable.

Like I said, great web content is both unique, quality and

The nature of the internet lends itself to web readers that is hunting for solutions, and they’re looking for
actionable content that can help them on there needs.

For example, it’s not enough to say that the keys to losing weight are eating less and doing more exercise, Those are both difficult things to do, so if you want to create a resource, you need to give readers extremely useful and practical ways of doing those things the need.

✘6 Actionable Yoga Content:

Tons of people on the internet write about their experiences and observations, but in order for your content to be actionable you need to give your readers something to
do with the information you give them.

If you’re having problems identifying what you want your reader to do exactly, use these tips below:
Ask yourself “what do I want the reader to think, feel, and do with my post ?”

✔Tip: Convert these points into calls to action in your content

Ask yourself “what do I want to write about and what are my main porpose of writing.?

✔Tip: Use these points as your subheadings to create an informal outline that guides your reader through your content (this will also prevent your main points from getting buried)

these are few questions you can run through to make sure your writing is more actionable:

Are there clear points of action readers can get from your content?

Are there steps explaining how to do something or where to find more information?

Does every section of your writing add value to your desire topic ?

language is also important:

✘7 Use a Standard Grammar/Spelling.

A web audience, unlike an academic audience, will expect you to use a conversational tone. While some larger, corporate blogs (for example) will still stick to a more business-professional voice, overall readers will expect a more informal tone. Also, make sure to avoid flowery or overdone language.

Quite the opposite, in fact-- readers will immediately think your content and brand lack credibility if you have low grammar or spelling.

✘8 How to Structure Your Content:

Here are a few ways to make your content scannable:
Use short paragraphs (between 1-4 sentences is a good range),
Bullet point lists are much easier to read and scan,
Use bold or italics to emphasize points,
Use subheadings to guide your readers through your articles  so that Readers should be able to skim subheadings and get the idea of what your main points is all about.
Get to the point; don’t include a lot of useless content,
Keep your content long enough to thoroughly cover the subject, but don’t drag it out,
Use images and visual examples to give your reader a “visual short break”,

To write good article is the main porpose of blogging .
 so i will leed you through the rules....

Seven Rules for Writing Good Articles

Writing a good article requires two things: good content and good technique.

There’s a lot of noise to compete against when writing on the internet. Anyone can write something, post it, and call it an article — in the information age, the definition of an article has become a very blurred line. The line between good and bad,
Good content is relatively easy to create. Most people don’t realize it, but everybody has interesting things to say.
it can seem abstract, and it’s often the thing that breaks an article.
A weak article falls flat. A strong article changes minds, gains huge of followers, carries weight, demands respect and also brings traffic.

▶Rule 1: minimize your barrier to entry, Make it easy for your reader to be drawn in.
A large opening paragraph at the start of an article is a huge barrier to entry.

This requires a large expenditure of effort. while Most people won’t bother.

▶rule 2:Keep your opening short::
Start with something short and easy to engage with. Prove to your reader that you’re providing value, then ask them to expend effort.

▶Rule 3: keep your paragraphs short and your text visually appealing. In general, short everything.

Short paragraphs, break your text up. Keep your reader chasing the words from paragraph to paragraph. Pace them. Give them space between ideas.

Balance words with empty spaces — like the breaths between spoken sentences.
Note: short does not mean that your writing can’t be stylistic and beautiful. Do not make the mistake that short must be bland.

▶Rule 4: keep it short and sweet.
 Just get to the point. Cut out all unnecessary words in a sentence. If a complete sentence doesn’t take you another step closer to making your point, scrap it completely.

▶Rule 5: give me substance. One of the worst things on any news feed is an article that says nothing.
Often the empty articles are packaged up as something useful.
They’re just abstractions — they have nothing of substance to say.
There are more shallow, surface-level blog posts on my radar in any given day than I care to count.
They’re made of words, but there’s no point and no meaning. It’s content for the sake of having content.

Don’t write content for the sake of writing content. Write content for the sake of conveying meaning and understanding. Tell your reader something. Imagine they ask “why?” in response, and then answer that question.

▶Rule 5: tell me a story. People love stories. It is the one of the basic truths of humanity — we always respond to a compelling story.
One of the best ways to draw a reader into an article is to bring it to life with human interests. bring their attention with a recounting of an event, the unfolding of a plot.

Stories are a brilliant way to open articles. They’re equally brilliant ways to illustrate a point. They don’t have to be excessive and garish to be effective. Tell me in your article about a specific tool you recommend using, and then tell me a story about how you used it yourself and what it did for you. but Short, simple

Avoid dry writing. In the content nobody’s going to read something bland so try and make your post bold.

▶Rule 7: show, then tell. Start by showing me your point in action, then explain to me what it means and why it matters to you.

This is a rule for your overall structure. Present your ideas in the following order: illustration, explanation, understanding. Show it to me, then tell me what it is, then help me understand why it works and how to use it myself.

The final and unstated rule of good writing is practice.

Yes practice..

Practice, practice, practice. Practicing one’s craft is how one perfects it.

 Practice until you internalize the form and structure of a good article, and producing them becomes second nature of you.

Everybody has something interesting to say. You have more to share than you realize and the world is always in need of meaningful, compelling content that conveys knowledge and helps people understand.

 Go create some!

comicscomey wishes you happy writing.

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